01 02 03 On The Way With Analogs: How Old Are You ? 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

How Old Are You ?

Hello all. Hope you all are doing great. It rained amazing at my place today. It was just wonderful. I went up on the roof. Stood on the corner stairs. Spread my arms to the fullest and let the wind refresh me inside out. And it was. That too at such a level that it inspired me to be back to the laptop and write . 
So, here I began with swift flow of wind, crisp smell of rain and sprinkling of the shower.

What is your age ??? Did you just suffer from a heart break reading this. Then this post is just for you. Haha  You be at any age. The other plus minuses always look ideal. Younger we are, we wish to be older. Once we reach those digits we yearn for the ages that went by.

Vicious cycle called LIFE.
Did this just knock your heart down ! Must have. 
So, what should we do.

Well, I came across a very sweet question we can ask our self. Which goes like :

Yeah.... How old you would be, if you didn't know how old you are ?

Mind churning ! Indeed. But we can work upon it. 

How ?
When you tap in to self with a query like - how old am I?; Two things will happen. Either you will go blank or get more than two answers. [try] Both suggest conflict between one your heart yearns for and the other your mind wishes for. Its nothing to feel wrong for, but its more of we never asked. It depends upon present state, situation and conditions such as how happy you were or how much liberty you had. Or lesser responsibility. More carefree. More out going. More restrictions. Less choices. etc etc. But add on is :- How old are you , if you never knew your age ?

Well that's a tricky one. When mighty mind wishes to be more matured and heart thrills to bring back your child like reflection back to reality.

To this, I will say - let the both be at their best. Let us get wisdom of all ages together.
Live with the passion of youth. Grow with maturity as you experience. Dream like a child. Play like a baby. Love like - can it be differentiated with age ! Nah.

So, dear you : How old you would be, if you didn't know how old are you ???
Waiting for your thoughts in words .....

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